FAO deems family agriculture food stability factor

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 10 July de 2024 | 16h54
Especialista do Fundo das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e Agricultura (FAO), Josina Amado
Especialista do Fundo das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e Agricultura (FAO), Josina Amado
Nelson Costa

Malanje – Josina Amado, specialist from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), on Wednesday in Malanje City reiterated that family agriculture constitutes a factor of food stability for Angola, since it represents 80 per cent of the national production.

The Angolan Executive, she stated, should continue to invest in family agriculture and, above all, in the rural woman, aiming at the achievement of satisfactory results in the production process and in nutrition for the people.

Josina Amado was speaking on behalf of the FAO Representative in Angola, at a public consultation act for the drafting of policies turned to the support of family agriculture, promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests through the Agrarian Development Institute IDA).

She expressed FAO’s availability to support the Angoln Executive in such undertaking, aiming at empowering peasant families.

“Despite the difficulties they face, peasant families have been reaching considerable levels of cultivation in Angola, especially with Maze”, she explained.

The specialist stressed also that peasant families’ love for the land helps to preserve agribusiness and biodiversity, besides also contributing to the care of natural resources and the transformation of the productive systems outlined in the 2022/2027 National Development Plan.

However, she reiterated that FAO defined the 2018/2028 decade as a target for the eradication of hunger, promotion of changes in eating and cultural habits, among other aspects, reason why there is a need to include peasant families in the process.

In turn, the director of the provincial office for agriculture and fisheries, Carlos Chipoia, defended the need for more active and significant moves from family peasants in the production and generation of income for the sustainability of the communities. NC/PBC/jmc

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