Agronomist defends use of biotechnology into system agricultural

  • Luanda • Sunday, 09 June de 2024 | 16h40
Feira de Produção Agropecuária
Feira de Produção Agropecuária

Camabatela - The agronomist José Bettencourt on Saturday, in Cuanza Norte, defended the use of biotechnology into the country's agricultural system, with a view to improving and increasing agricultural production levels.

Speaking about Agribusiness as part of National Cattle Breeder's Day, which took place on Saturday (8 June), José Bettencourt said the introduction of modern techniques in agriculture is fundamental to increase productivity and ensure the food security for the country.

The expert said that the country is already making a great effort in the production of improved seeds, which can be accompanied by the introduction of biotechnology to improve the sector.

He pointed to improved irrigation systems, fertilisation techniques and soil correction as other elements contributing to increased production.

According to the agronomist, the country has major problems with human resources linked to the various areas of specialisation in the agricultural sector, which has hampered the growth of agriculture.

For him, rural extension policies should be aimed at producers, teaching them how to increase their incomes and improve their quality of life.

 "We have to look at the agricultural population not as a permanent cycle of poverty alleviation. Those who work in agriculture have to get out of poverty, create wealth, and have to improve living conditions”, he defended.

José Bettencourt pointed to the poor state of access roads to production areas, the lack of a strong value chain, among others, such as the problems affecting the sector. EFM/IMA/MRA/DOJ

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