Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Catabola foresees increase in bean cultivation

  • Luanda • Monday, 21 October de 2024 | 12h14
Catabola abre campanha agrícola, com previsão no aumento da colheita do feijão
Catabola abre campanha agrícola, com previsão no aumento da colheita do feijão

Catabola - The municipality of Catabola, 52 kilometers east of the city of Cuito, central province of Bié, expects to harvest, in the 2024/25 agricultural campaign, over 20k tons of lima beans, 3k more compared to the last campaign.

The information was provided to ANGOP on Monday, by the director of agriculture and forestry of Catabola, João Massoxi, as part of the kick off of the current agricultural campaign.

For this, more than 10k hectares are prepared for the cultivation of this product.

In general, the director continued, more than 60k hectares will be cultivated in this region, with different crops, with the involvement of 33 thousand peasant families.

He mentioned that the State's Local Administration is distributing 200 tons of fertilizers to the peasants, including fertilizer, ammonium and urea, 15 tons of corn, 10 tons of rice, 5 tons of beans, as well as 500 hoes, 10 motor pumps and sprayers.

Catabola's administrator, Madalena Wanga da Silva, encouraged farmers to continue increasing production, especially beans, to keep this region at the top of the largest producers of the province.

The municipality of Catabola, with 3,228 square kilometers, has more than 169,000 inhabitants, distributed in the communes of Sande, Chiúca, Chipeta and Caiuera.


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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...