Camucuio foresees to harvest 30 tons of beans

  • Luanda • Thursday, 15 August de 2024 | 23h06
Produção de feijão no município do Camucuio, província do Namibe
Produção de feijão no município do Camucuio, província do Namibe
Anabela Fritz

Camucuio - Around 30 tons of beans are expected to be harvested in October this year, in the municipality of Camucuio, province of Namibe, as part of the 2023/2024 agricultural campaign.

According to the administrator of Camucuio, Azevedo Calassola, who was speaking to the press at the end of an observation visit to the cultivation fields, 60 hectares of land were prepared and cultivated in that municipality for the current agricultural season.

On the occasion, the official encouraged local farmers to invest more in agricultural production to guarantee the locality's food self-sufficiency.

"What we saw today makes us happy and demonstrates, unequivocally, the commitment to contribute to our Executive's strategy, which is the diversification of the economy", highlighted the manager, who also noted the fields growing corn, tomatoes, onions, banana and okra.

More than a thousand peasant families grouped in agricultural cooperatives are engaged in the current agricultural campaign in Camucuio.

The municipality of Camucuio is 234 kilometers north of the city of Moçâmedes, capital of the province of Namibe, and has an estimated population of more than 70k inhabitants, the majority of whom are peasants and cattle breeders.  FA/JL/CF/DOJ

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