William Ruto sworn in as Kenya's fifth president

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 13 September de 2022 | 08h52
Map of Kenya
Map of Kenya

NAIROBI - William Ruto was sworn in as Kenya's fifth president on Tuesday, a week after the Supreme Court upheld an election that dashed the hopes of the nation's most prominent political families and handed power to a man who began his career as a roadside chicken seller.

Ruto, who served as deputy president for the past 10 years, takes over at a time of surging food and fuel prices, high unemployment and rising public debt.

By 5 a.m., Nairobi's 60,000-seat Kasarani Sports Centre was packed with Ruto's supporters resplendent in his party's colours of yellow and green. They danced and waved miniature national flags to the strains of a band.

"He is our fellow youth! I know he will bring us more opportunity," said dancer Juma Dominic as he and his troupe warmed up.

The National Police Service had tweeted that the stadium was full by 5 a.m. and asked citizens to stay home, but crowds continued to try to force their way inside. The St John's Ambulance Service said it had taken several injured people to hospital.

Source Reuters


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