Angola among CNN Travel top 10 destinations for 2024

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 02 January De 2024    12h35  
Tourists watching the Tundavala in Huila
Tourists watching the Tundavala in Huila
Morais Silva - ANGOP

Lubango - Angola that is currently in the eighth place from a total of 24 is one of the most attractive destinations that US CNN Travel suggests for 2024.

With the title of the article Where to go in 2024: The best places to visit, the article describes that international tourism reached around 90 percent of pre-pandemic levels in 2023 with the United States issuing a record number of passports.

The CNN suggests American tourists to look at places that are still largely unknown, or often forgotten to the detriment of usual destinations. "Maybe it's time to go to places that make it easy for tourists to visit and that pay a lot of attention to encouraging sustainable tourism," reads the page.

The list is headed by the Sumba region in Indonesia, but Angola appears ahead of destinations such as Morocco, the other African in the selection, Singapore, Florida, Texas, Spain, Panama, Australia and Greece, as can be seen on the online page (

In this article Angola is illustrated with a photo of the Cristo Rei monument, at the top of the Chela mountain located in Lubango city, describing the country as a "southern African nation that is trying hard to make a break in the tourism scene, having recently introduced a quick-approval tourism e-visa.

It adds that, while major tourism infrastructure might not be up to speed yet, it’s a chance to explore a country still off the travel radar.

It describes Luanda as the capital with a reputation as a pricey party city, but out in the wide-open spaces beyond, Angola has some jaw-droppingly spectacular scenery and cultural treats.

Second city Lubango offers Portuguese colonial architecture, an impressive Rio-style Christ the King hilltop statue and access to the Tundavala Gap, a giddying plunge from cool tablelands into shimmering dusty plains, the channel said.

Other Angolan destinations the channel suggests worth a look: the dramatic 1,300-foot-wide (396 meters) Calendula Falls and Atlantic coastline surfing paradises such as Barra do Kwanza and Cabo Ledo.

Here's the list:  1º Sumba, Indonesia, 2º Turkish Black Sea Coast, Turkey, 3º Tartu, Estonia, 4º Tainan, Taiwan, 5º Northwest Michigan, USA, 6º Trans Dinarica Cycleway, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 7º Culebra, Puerto Rico, 8º Angola, 9º Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, 10º South Korea, 11º Albania, 12º Chile, 13º Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia, 14º Macedonia, Greece, 15º Panama, 16º Galicia, Spain, 17º Singapore's offshore islands, 18º Mérida, Mexico, 19º Morocco, 20º Florida's freshwater springs, 21º Texas Hill Country, 22º, Fujairah, 23º Greenland and 24º Uzbekistan. MS/TED/AMP



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