New public buses contributes to price reduction of private taxi

  • Luanda     Thursday, 28 March De 2024    18h05  
Transporte público na cidade de Ondjiva/Cunene
Transporte público na cidade de Ondjiva/Cunene
Pedro Manuel-ANGOP

Ondjiva – The entry into circulation of 12 new urban public buses, in the city of Ondjiva, Cunene province, reduced the price of a taxi to 100 kwanzas, in the urban area of this location.

Before the respective buses came into circulation, the activity was dominated by motorcycle taxi drivers, who charge between 300 and 400 kwanzas per passenger, depending on the distance from one neighborhood to another and the time.

In a round carried out today by ANGOP, at the various charging points, passengers stated that the price charged for public transport constitutes a great relief for the population who at this stage are facing many financial difficulties.

Júlia Pedro is one of the citizens who expressed joy with this Government initiative, saying it is an added value for everyone who is benefiting from transport, paying only 100 kwanzas, to any place in the city of Ondjiva.

He said that, previously, to travel from a point it was only possible to take motorcycle taxis that took short routes in the urban area, due to the lack of public transport.

Along the same path, Helena Ndapasuka said that she feels worryless with the appearance of new buses, but previously she was very worried about her children, who went to school by motorbike, due to the various accidents that occur on the road.

She recognized that, in addition to paying just 100 kwanzas, on each route along the routes created in the city of Ondjiva, the bus offers more safety and comfort, compared to the motorbike.

Another citizen who also highlighted the advantages of urban transport was Beatriz Cassinda, highlighting that motorbikes have been causing several accidents on the roads, due to disregard for driving rules, but thanks to the arrival of buses, you can reach your destination safely.

To operate the new buses, several short routes were created on the main arteries of the city of Ondjiva, which are facilitating the mobility of students, civil servants and citizens in general.

The means made available by the Ministry of Transport came into circulation this month, an action that falls within the strategy of strengthening the Angolan Executive and aims to reorganize regular urban passenger transport.

In total there are 12 buses, with capacity for 64 seats each, 29 seated and 35 standing, which are managed by the operator 'FALumbamba', winner of the public tender.

To become its property, this company will have to reimburse Akz 58.354.933 for each vehicle, within 10 years.


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