TAAG presents a new restructuring plan

  • Luanda     Saturday, 19 December De 2020    21h34  
A TAAG airplane at Luanda International Airport
A TAAG airplane at Luanda International Airport
Lino Guimarães

Luanda – Angola Airlines (TAAG) presented on Saturday its Restructuring Plan and path for growth during a webinar with the company's employees.

The refurbishing plan was presented by its Executive chairperson, Rui Carreira, who explained the company’s Executive Committee programme.

He said that the commission intends to place the company as a reference airline in the African regional space, competing the leadership in its area of ​​influence with the main players of the African continent.

Carreira presented the guidelines and perspectives for the global airline market, its growth and profitability and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the aeronautical sector.

In order to deal with the great challenges related to the restructuring of TAAG, Rui Carreira defended deep changes in company’s culture and its functioning to achieve the plan’s goals.

According to him, the opening of new commercial routes, one of the main strategies for the growth and profitability of the company, requires rigorous processes based on market feasibility studies.

The event also discussed the reduction of operating costs, with a review of operational policies and procedures, renegotiation of existing contracts to ensure more competitive prices and matching the fleet to the needs of the markets where the company operates.

The chairperson of TAAG's Executive Committee called on employees to join effort for the company's growth.

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