Infrasat presents new products and services in Benguela

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 20 February De 2024    16h38  
Diogo Carvalho, PCA da Infrasat
Diogo Carvalho, PCA da Infrasat
José Filipe - ANGOP

Lobito -The telecommunications company, Infrasat presented new products and services on Monday in Coastal Benguela province that will bring added value solutions to various sectors of the country's economy, ANGOP learnt.

At a workshop held in the municipality of Catumbela, the CEO of Infrasat's, Diogo de Carvalho, said that the company wants to expand and grow, which is why he came to Benguela province to show how the new services work in the areas of Health, Education, Agriculture, Fishing and Industry.

Those present were informed that for Health, the service is called Infra Health and has been implemented for telemedicine, designed especially for public and private hospitals.

For Education, called Intra Educa, it was designed for educational institutions that want to expand their geographical coverage without the need for large physical infrastructures.

With regard to Industry, the service is called Infra Industry, and the solution is designed to meet the rigorous demands of companies in the industrial sector, with a view to transforming and optimizing logistics operations at industrial facilities, aiming to increase efficiency, reduce operating costs and promote sustainable practices, with a focus on modernization and the integration of advanced technologies.

As for agriculture, Infra Agro aims to improve efficiency, productivity and sustainability in the sector, offering a wide range of technologies and innovations that can be applied at different stages of the process, such as precision agriculture.

Diogo de Carvalho gave an example of how to diagnose soils, saying that "in these cases, satellites are used to map the land and check its moisture content, in order to give the farmer more precise information and let him know what is best to plant".

"Infrasat is a company that has been on the national market for over fifteen years and already has services all over the country.  We intend to expand and grow, which is why we're here to present various solutions in the areas of Health, Education, Agriculture, Fishing and Industry," he said.

He added that the company is promoting workshops, starting in the provinces with the highest levels of development, having already been to Namibe and Huíla.

"Traditionally, Infrasat provides internet, data, voice, screening and television services, but we want to improve and to do so we are making partnerships that bring us added value," he said.

Infrasat's mission is to supply products and services that provide communication between companies and people, shortening distances, minimising info-exclusion and actively contributing to Angola's socio-economic development. TC/CRB/DAN/DOJ

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