Angola improves connectivity with South Africa

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 20 June De 2023    19h26  
Telecommunications aerials.
Telecommunications aerials.

Luanda - Telecommunications connectivity between Angola and South Africa has moved to high speed access, thanks to the entrance into operation of the new fibre optic route linking Luanda and Johannesburg, the telephone company Angola Telecom and Liquid Dataport have announced.

The new fibre optic route, which passes through Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe, Zambia and South Africa, is the result of a partnership between a pan-African technological group, known as Liquid Intelligent Technologies (Liquid Dataport), and Angola Telecom, the main fixed line operator in Angola.

Angop has learnt, from a statement issued by the firms, that the launch of this route poses a significant addition to Liquid Dataport's current 110,000 kilometre network, providing its regional customers with access to high speed connectivity at affordable costs.

The partnership between Angola Telecom and Liquid Dataport, the statement says, also provides access to perfect connectivity, with other countries of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and South Africa.

Speaking at  the opening of the new fibre optic route, Angola’s minister of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Media, Mário Oliveira, said over the past 25 years the country has made significant investments in the telecommunications sector, which includes terrestrial, submarine and even satellite connectivity.

"We understand the crucial role played by Public-Private Partnerships, and that is why we have new laws in place that support and offer attractive incentives for international players, such as Liquid Dataport, which help drive our national focus for the modernisation of Angola, leading towards Information Technology(IT)" the minister said.

Angola Telecom CEO, Adilson dos Santos, on the other hand, said the partnership is the result of a conscious effort, as internet use in Angola currently totalled just five million people and fell short of the sector's objectives.

"Angola Telecom and Liquid Dataport have been able to work together for over two years, as we are working towards a common goal", Santos said.

Adilson dos Santos stressed that, through the National Rural Telecommunications Plan, the new fibre optic route will enable connectivity to be available to all citizens, including in the most remote parts of the country.

"We are excited to see the fruits of this partnership lead to increased contribution of the Telecommunication and Information Technology sector at national level, in the region and in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)", Santos said.

Liquid Dataport CEO David Eurin said the institution's investment in this state-of-the-art route is in line with the broader vision to establish an extensive network of fibre routes across Africa.

Eurin said that expanding the horizons of connectivity in Africa would allow the companies (Angola Telecom and Liquid Dataport) to unlock unprecedented growth opportunities, collaborate on a global scale and take advantage of the immense potential of digital technologies.

About Angola Telecom E.P

Angola Telecom is a Public Company created as a result of the merger of the former State Companies ENATEL and EPTEL.

The company's vision is to be the leader in connecting Angola to the world. It is the largest infrastructure sharing company, with fibre optic connections throughout Angola.

About Liquid Intelligent Technologies

 Liquid Intelligent Technologies is a comprehensive technology solutions group that provides customized digital solutions to public and private sector companies, with operations in more than 25 countries across Africa.

The company has established itself as the leading pan-African digital infrastructure provider with a 110,000 kilometre long fibre broadband network and satellite connectivity, providing high-speed internet access anywhere in Africa. CLAU/AC/Amp/jmc

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