Lubango riots with 13 detainees

  • Luanda     Thursday, 18 January De 2024    09h25  
Detidos de tumulto no Lubango
Detidos de tumulto no Lubango
Morais Silva - ANGOP

Lubango – At least 13 citizens, aged 18 to 40, are in detention for participating in a riot, this Wednesday, in the former “João de Almeida market”, which resulted in serious damage to the National Police’s property.

In an interview this Thursday, with ANGOP, the provincial commander of the National Police, Commissioner Divaldo Martins, said that two officers of the corporation were injured, victims of stoning, a service motorcycle was burned and a CISP mobile surveillance center was damaged.

He stated that today the situation is calm and the Police continue to analyze the images to arrest others involved in the action “which had no reason to happen”.

“It was not a protest over the transfer of sellers from the now deactivated market, what happened was that an individual, already identified, rebelled against the police forces and triggered unrest among the people present, who then became involved, said the commissioner”.

According to the commander, there was no report of injuries among the population.

The transfer of vendors from the old João de Almeida market, which had been deactivated four years ago, as a municipal hospital (Olga Chaves) was built, was completed this week, in a calm and peaceful action, but on Wednesday, it was created an uproar that ended in a confrontation between some people and National Police officers.


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