Rainstorm claims four lives in Luanda

  • Luanda     Monday, 19 April De 2021    12h50  

Luanda - At least four people died, two bridges collapsed, electric cables and trees fell, streets, residences and public institutions were flooded as a result of the storm registered in Luanda since 05h00 in the morning.

ANGOP learnt that a child was buried in Nguanhã neighbourhood, in Sambizanga district, as a result of the collapse of a wall of the residence where he lived.

The other three deaths occurred by electrocution, two cases in Kilamba Kiaxi, in the surroundings of Hospital Sanatório where a mother and daughter died, while the third happened in Luanda municipality, where a foreign citizen passed away.

According to popular reports, the Madres bridge, in the Nova Urbanização neighbourhood, in Cacuaco, and the Kamorteiro bridge, in Talatona, collapsed preventing the circulation of vehicles and people.

In Luanda municipality, the neighborhood of Alvalade, Miramar, Marginal, Mutamba, Boavista, Chicala I, Porto Pesqueiro area, Ilha Bungo (Ingombota), Kamuxiba, Kinanga, Kim Ribeiro and Zamba 2 (Samba), rua 21 de Janeiro, Prenda, Rocha Pinto, Gamek, Catintom and Huambo were also flooded.

The floods also affected the low zone of Cassequel (Maianga), the neighbourhoods Santo Rosa, Madeira, zona dos Bois and Madeira (Sambizanga), in the urban district of Ngola Kiluanje - Pedreira de cima and de baixo.

The Kilamba Kiaxi and Talatona neighbourhoods were totally flooded, namely Havemos de Voltar (Malanjinho), Rastas, Golf I, Lixeira, in the sub-zone 10 (at the limit with Catintom) and Wet Bridge zone, Benfica, Dangereux, Cambamba and Cambamba 2 and Honga.

The neighbourhoods of the District headquarters, Pescadores, Cerâmica, Garcia, Emmanuel, Bate-chapa, entrance of Barra do Bengo, Kicolo, Boa Esperança and the agricultural area of Funda in the municipality of Cacuaco are also flooded.

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