Catholic women's organisation advocates vocational training

  • Luanda     Sunday, 25 February De 2024    13h04  
Delegadas ao mini-congresso da Promaica em Malanje
Delegadas ao mini-congresso da Promaica em Malanje
Nelson Costa-ANGOP

Malanje - The archdiocesan mini-congress of the Promotion of Angolan Women in the Catholic Church (PROMAICA), held on the 23rd and 24th of this month in the Province of Malanje, recommended that the organisation should promote professional training for its members, especially in the areas of cooking, dressmaking and pastry.

According to the final communiqué of the meeting, to which ANGOP had access, this measure aims to prepare women for self-employment, guarantee their economic independence and their affirmation in society, as well as the fight against alcoholism, illiteracy, poverty, discrimination, domestic violence and other ills that affect PROMAICA members, with a view to promoting a healthy environment within their families and the communities in which they live.

The event which was held under the slogan "PROMAICA faithful to its identity and mission", the mini-congress was attended by delegates from parishes, shrines, archdioceses and other Christian communities in the province's municipalities.

The event served to prepare the PROMAICA's National Congress, which will take place in August this year in Luanda, and discussed the activities carried out in 2023 and this year's activities, among other issues.

PROMAICA is a women's organisation of the Catholic Church, whose role is to promote women for the challenges of society and for their affirmation in the family, religious life and communities.


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