“Njila” project covers five municipalities in Malanje

  • Luanda     Monday, 26 February De 2024    17h09  

Malanje - Five municipalities in Malanje province will benefit from the Project to Strengthen Civil Society Participation in Local Governance, called “Njila”, which aims to intensify citizens' contribution to the formulation and execution of public programs.

These are the municipalities of Cacuso, Calandula, Kiwaba Nzoji, Malanje and Mucari, whose initiative, starting from March, also aims to include the most vulnerable sectors of the communities, with emphasis on women and young people, in the region's development plans.

Funded by the European Union in the amount of 150,000 euros, the Njila Project is carried out within the scope of PASCAL (Project to Strengthen Civil Society Participation in Local Administration), in partnership with the Angolan government.

It also aims to contribute to economic growth and social development, through the inclusive, heterogeneous and effective participation of civil society in the governance process, as well as improving the legislative and institutional framework for participatory governance.

To be carried out in 14 months by a consortium that includes Cáritas Diocesana de Malanje, Cruz Vermelha de Angola and the Associação Angolana Salvador dos Povos (ASASP), Njila's target audience is 50 organizations, including 25 Associations, 15 Cooperatives Agriculture, as well as 10 groups of young people and women from other social strata.

Meanwhile, the Njila Project was presented to the public on Monday by the manager of the Central Project Management Agency (CPMA-Lithuania), implementation partner, Ugnè Chmeliauskaite, who on the occasion highlighted that this aims to promote changes within communities, through training of its members on public policies, good governance and social advocacy.

In turn, the deputy governor of Malanje for the Political, Economic and Social sector, Franco Mufinda, highlighted the relevance of the initiative, as it helps the government in identifying and seeking solutions to problems that affect citizens.

He pointed out that the project contributes to the creation of a more inclusive and participatory society, through the discussion and approval of management instruments at the provincial and municipal level, such as the Provincial Government's annual plan, the Integrated Program for Local Development and Combating Poverty, Integrated Municipal Intervention Plan (PIIM), among others.

Launched in January this year, the Njila project initially covers 25 municipalities in the provinces of Malanje, Benguela, Huambo, Huíla and Luanda. ACC/NC/TED/DOJ

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