New model of Vehicle Registration Plates comes into force

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 10 January De 2024    19h06  
Comissário Geral Arnaldo Carlos, Comandante Geral da PNA
Comissário Geral Arnaldo Carlos, Comandante Geral da PNA
Arsénio Bravo

Luanda - Vehicles entering the country, starting Wednesday (10/01), will be registered based on the new registration model that allows greater security and control, informed the general commander of the National Police, Arnaldo Carlos.

Speaking at the launch ceremony of the new alphanumeric and new registration plates for vehicles and their trailers, held on Wednesday in Luanda, the commander said that the replacement process will last two years, starting today. Before the deadline, there will be a cohabitation of models.

“The registration plate that makes it possible to identify an asset of such high value, such as vehicles, could not continue to be produced and applied on any corner, square or workshop, without the observance of the most elementary safety requirements and without the proper control of the road safety authorities,” he explained.

According to Arnaldo Carlos, the new plates comply with all the requirements established at the level of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and beyond, and aim to provide greater control of the existing car fleet in the country.

It also aims to ensure the quick recovery of stolen or stolen vehicles.

The process of changing the plates began in 2008, with the entry into force of the Highway Code and aims to give substance to Presidential Decree No. 202/16, of 27 September, which approves the regulation for the attribution of registration.

In his speech, the Commissioner-General announced, in the coming days, the launch of the multimedia examination system, followed by the opening of the first vehicle inspection centres in the country.

“All these actions aim to improve the road environment, so that the goals set out in the National Road Safety Plan for the period 2023-2027 are achieved.

He stressed that the prevention and fight against road accidents is one of the priorities of the Angolan Government, in order to reduce the effects of this phenomenon.

As an example, he said that, in 2023, 3,121 people died and another 17,902 were injured, as a result of road accidents in the country.

“In the month of December alone, the road accidents caused 122 deaths and 2,209 injuries”, detailed the commander, for whom the figures are quite worrying and reveal a gloomy picture that results from the non-observance of the rules of the Highway Code.

For this reason, the Commissioner-General called for greater responsibility from those involved in the process of producing and applying new license plates, which, to a large extent, will contribute to reducing road accident rates.

The new standardized number plate contains security elements defined by law, such as the QR code, the security tape, the serial number, among other data, which will allow the vehicles and their holders to be easily identified.

The new registration model also includes the stamp of the national flag, the month and year of attribution of the respective vehicle identification plate.

Vehicles with the current license plates will continue to have the same numbers, but will have two years to replace the old plates with new ones, a process that will be done in a phased manner and by series. MGM/OHA/DOJ

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