Businessman murdered in Lubango

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 06 February De 2024    12h36  
Operação do SIC na Huíla
Operação do SIC na Huíla
Morais Silva - ANGOP

Lubango – A 37-year-old warehouse worker was shot dead publicly this Monday, in the industrial area of Lubango, after resisting to a robbery while transporting 37 million kwanzas (about $44,300 dollars) for a bank deposit.

Speaking about the case, the municipal commander of the National Police (PN) in Lubango, superintendent Fernando Hamuyela, stated that the crime happened around 12 noon, in the industrial area, close to the victim's warehouse, which sells various food products.

He explained that the citizen, when transporting the valuables in a safe, in a Toyota Fortuner vehicle, ended up surprised by two young people on board of a motorbike, whose identity was unknown at the moment, who approached him and demanded that he hand over the valuables that were in the box.

“The victim ended up showing resistance in handing over the values and a dispute emerged between the parties. The criminals then fired four shots into the citizen's chest and abdomen, which fatally killed him,” he continued.

He said that as the criminals retreated, they fired other shots with the aim of preventing any pursuit, with the shots hitting two other citizens in the legs, as a result of which they were taken to a hospital and are out of danger.

Fernando Hamuyela highlighted that as a result of this action, the Police in Lubango were on standby and adopted appropriate operational measures to ensure the increase in the population's sense of security and in a timely manner, the arrest of criminals involved in the crime.

From the investigation, according to the source, they discovered that there is an employee of the aforementioned warehouse who on Monday left a company vehicle missing and has not yet returned with the vehicle.

“We assume that this individual and others who are under investigation belong to the warehouse are involved in the scheme to steal the money. The investigations continue, in addition to other actions and operations by the National Police and the Criminal Investigation Service, and at the appropriate time they will comment on more details on the matter”, he stated.

He appealed to citizens, who show great participation in resolving public security problems, to report suspicious citizens who are transporting large sums of money or other information from suspicious citizens, who must be under police surveillance.

The industrial zone of Lubango has become the largest food processing center for foreign wholesale entrepreneurs, where thousands of people go every day. MS/MS/CF/DOJ

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