Luanda: 445 years of tradition

  • Luanda     Sunday, 24 January De 2021    12h56  
A view of Luanda City
A view of Luanda City
Francisco Miúdo

Luanda – The Angolan capital Luanda celebrates this Monday 445 years of existence which is marked by histories, memories and happening that make it during various decades the status of one of the most beautiful cities of Africa.

By:Elias Tumba

The anniversary happens in an unfavorable economic and sanitary context due to covid-19 and it is imposed the adoption of public policies more profitable for the resolution of structural problems.

Found in 1576, Luanda is today seeking affirmation with several challenges ahead such as the improvements in sanitation, drinking water distribution, electrical system as well as the increase of the urban transports.

The province faces deep problems regarding the flow of car traffic and worrying indicators in crime level domain in addition to the well known destruction of peripheral neighborhoods and the scarcity of housing.

As a matter of fact, the city that is considered as the biggest electoral market of the country with more than seven billion people is the place of concentration of people from various origins that share the different habits and costumes inspired in the ancestors tradition.

In addition to the multiple social, urban planning and economic problems there is no doubt that Luanda is a growing city, fertile in sights that might boost the tourism industry and leverage internal growth.

As part of the anniversary of the city, founded by the Portuguese navigator Paulo Dias de Novais, ANGOP prepared a small dossier, supported by reports from personalities who know the history and the various stages of Luanda´s affirmation.

In this work, we bring interviews, reports and news that illustrate the capital´s metamorphosis paths, from the colonial era to the present date, highlighting the main challenges facing the State to make Luanda a city of enchantments.

The present dossier illustrates, in particular, the impact of the new programs of the State aimed at improving the social condition of citizens, including PIIM.

Therefore, read this Luanda Special and learn a little about the history of the so-called “Kianda City”, its people, habits, customs and economic infrastructures, many of them incapable of resisting time, now turned to extreme abandonment.

Also, learn about what has emerged in the city in terms of infrastructure, in recent years, and how these investments have helped to minimize the suffering of citizens.


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