IEIA aims more dynamic youth committed to Angola

  • Luanda     Monday, 22 January De 2024    11h15  
Acto de empossamento do secretário da IEIA no Bié, Raimundo Isidro
Acto de empossamento do secretário da IEIA no Bié, Raimundo Isidro

Cuito - The Evangelical Church of the Brothers in Angola (IEIA) Reverend Alberto Madaleno, highlighted that the country's current challenges require a more dynamic and committed youth, capable of promoting positive transformations in society.

Alberto Madaleno was speaking on Sunday, in the city of Cuito, at the inauguration of the IEIA secretary in Bié province, Raimundo Isidro, re-elected for another five-year term.

“The responsibility of the society we live in is not just in the hands of the rulers, it transcends all citizens, especially young people and Christians, who must seek to rescue moral values, to make this society a space where we can live with peace and harmony, regardless of ideological, political and religious differences”, said the pastor.

The re-elected secretary, Raimundo Isidro, said that, in this second term, he will continue to bring hope to people, at a time when we are witnessing the proliferation of several religious denominations, with non-credible messages.

In turn, the vice-governor for the Political, Social and Economic Sector of this province, Alcida de Jesus Camatele Sandumbo, reiterated the commitment of the Government of Bié to continue collaborating with the IEIA, as the State's social partner, having highlighted the 140 years of its existence in Angola, mainly because it played the role of a true moral reserve for society.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by members of the Government, the municipal administrator of Cuito, Abel Guerra Paulo, pastors from the central and southern regions of the country, representatives of political parties and believers in general. JEC/PLB/CF/DOJ

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