Families affected by rain get land for self-construction

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 21 February De 2024    13h25  
Famílias afectadas pelas chuvas em Malanje beneficiam de terrenos para auto-construção dirigida
Famílias afectadas pelas chuvas em Malanje beneficiam de terrenos para auto-construção dirigida
Aurélio Cua-ANGOP

Malanje – A total of 161 families, of the approximately 2,000 affected by the heavy rains in the municipality of Malanje, began to receive land and zinc sheets today for directed self-construction in the Quiriri neighborhood, with a view to their definitive resettlement.

The households, which are currently housed in the Arena Palanca Negra Pavilion, also benefited from areas and seeds for  agricultural activity and basic food baskets.

When handing over the resources, the provincial governor of Malanje, Marcos Nhunga, said the foundations had been created so that families could build their homes in safe areas.

He defended the need for all beneficiaries to dedicate themselves diligently to building homes, otherwise the works would be affected due to the rains in March and April, which tend to be more intense.

In turn, the municipal administrator of Malanje, Fernandes Cristóvão, said that while the construction of the residences lasts, the families will continue to be settled in the Pavilhão Arena Palanca Negra, and should only move after the construction is completed.

He stressed that the process of providing resources for the resettlement of the remaining victims of the accident continues, having ensured that the conditions for insurance and medical and social assistance are also created.

However, in a message, the beneficiary families praised the government's initiative, considering that it contributes to improving living conditions. ACC/NC/CF/DOJ

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