Angolan ambassador to US meets with young scholarship holders

  • Luanda     Friday, 04 August De 2023    16h46  

Luanda - Angolan ambassador to the United States (US) Agostinho Van-Dúnem received Thursday in Washington, D.C., a group of Angolan students linked to the "Mandela Washington Fellowship", for young African leaders .

According to a press release from the Angolan Embassy in the US, the students spoke about the experience of the Mandela Scholarship, adaptation to the North American educational system, among other subjects.

Agostinho Van-Dúnem, on the other hand,  congratulated and encouraged Angolan students to carry on their studies in a selfless way, so that they can achieve success with training and reiterated the need for Angolans to increasingly enhance the name of Angola in the outside.

A total of 700 scholarship holders, including 12 Angolans, benefit from the aforementioned scholarship for young African leaders, with a view to promoting growth, prosperity, strengthening democratic governance, consolidating peace and security in Africa.

This type of scholarship takes hundreds of young Africans to the US for academic courses and leadership training at local universities.

It is funded by the US Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and administered in partnership with IREX, a non-profit organisation.

The Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders is the flagship programme of the U.S. Government’s Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI). VIC/NIC

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