Health accelerates action to reach universal coverage - minister

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 08 June De 2022    15h09  
Huíla: Sílvia Lutucuta - ministra da Saúde
Huíla: Sílvia Lutucuta - ministra da Saúde
Morais Silva

Lubango - The health sector is accelerating the implementation of actions to achieve universal coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals, said in Lubango the minister of the sector, Silvia Lutucuta.

Speaking at the closing of the 30th Consultative Council of the Ministry of Health on Tuesday evening, the minister said that the sector has the responsibility to ensure a healthy life and promote well-being for all and at all ages, without leaving anyone behind.

"The challenge we have embraced of improving efficiency and ensuring universal health coverage through the comprehensive and gradual development of skilled, motivated and committed human resources, in a humanized environment, will enable the construction of a resilient Health System," she stressed.

The focus, according to the cabinet official, is to be able to respond with quality to the needs of families and communities in a logic of proximity of services, putting people at the centre of its action.

In order to achieve the targets set by the sector, Silvia Lutucuta said, it will be necessary to continue to focus on human capital as a lever for development, through the implementation of post-graduate training activities, as well as the continuous training of health staff, to improve the quality of service delivery to users.

The consultative council, which was held in Huíla over two days, aimed to take stock of health sector activities in the period 2017 - 2022, a period that coincides with the legislature that is now ending and that was especially characterized by the Government’s efforts in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which ravaged the world and the country in particular in the last three years. 

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