Health professionals stress progress in sector

  • Luanda     Saturday, 30 April De 2022    19h29  
Marcha de apoio as Políticas Sociais do Executivo
Marcha de apoio as Políticas Sociais do Executivo
Braulio Gregorio

Luanda - Health professionals have praised the increase in human resources and infrastructure over the past five years, which has contributed to improving conditions in hospitals and humanizing the services provided to the population.

This was during the march staged Saturday by the professionals aimed to recognise the Executive’s commitment to improve the health conditions.

Physicians,  nurses and technicians of the Luanda-based health facilities-stressed the investments in the construction and rehabilitation of 79 reference hospitals, among other national and provincial health facilities.

Among the units built are hemodialysis centers, orthopedic centers and clinical analysis laboratories.

Some 32,619 hospital beds are available for the service of the population, including 1,400 in intensive care.

In terms of human resources, as part of the last two public tenders, 33,093 health professionals, including 2,373 doctors, were hired.

Speaking to Angop on the sidelines of a march of health professionals, the physician Carlos Masseca, said that the action of the executive pushed forward the national health system with skilled staff capable of responding to the demand and needs of the communities.

Manuel Eduardo Varela said that the participation of health professionals in the march is a recognition of the evolution recorded in the sector, in recent years, and support for the social policies of the executive, for the benefit of the people.

For the Minister of Health, Sílvia Lutucuta, health professionals must recognize what is done and at the service of the population, contributing substantially to the improvement of working conditions and the increase in the distribution of various medicines and consumables.

The Minister reaffirmed the employment of more than 33,000 health professionals over the past five years, as well as the rehabilitation and construction of infrastructure across the country, bringing services closer to the people.

As for the deadlock in negotiations with the striking doctors, the minister assured that almost all of the demands were satisfied, calling for commitment of professionals to a healthy nation.

In turn, the first secretary of the ruling MPLA party in Luanda, Bento Bento, highlighted the projects built within the framework of the implementation of PIIM in the country.


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