Over 1,000 doctors working in Luanda

  • Luanda     Friday, 26 January De 2024    14h34  
Formação de médicos de familia no Luau
Formação de médicos de familia no Luau

Luanda – The Angolan capital (Luanda) has 1,139 doctors, corresponding to a ratio of approximately one doctor for eight thousand inhabitants, reported on Friday, the director of the provincial health office, Manuel Varela.

Speaking at the provincial event of Doctor's Day, promoted by the Provincial Government of Luanda, Manuel Varela said that there is a long way to go, to reach the figure recommended by the World Health Organization, of one doctor per thousand inhabitants.

According to the director, to minimize this deficit and achieve the quality of medical services, a considerable number of doctors are specializing in the areas of anesthesiology and resuscitation, pediatrics, plastic surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, general medicine, orthopedics, among others.

He highlighted that the Ministry of Health is implementing the training of 38 thousand professionals, including doctors, with funding from the World Bank.

“As we celebrate the day dedicated to the doctor, a professional responsible for caring for and promoting the health of the entire population, we congratulate, in a unique way, this fearless professional class who, giving their best, does everything to guarantee health of the population,” said

For you, doctors play a crucial role, dedicating their lives to caring for others.

On the occasion, the vice-governor of Luanda for the Political and Social Sector, Manuel Gonçalves, reiterated the need for continued investment in training professionals, as well as improving working conditions.

He said that the government is aware that the challenges are numerous, but is confident that the path forward will bring impactful results to the lives of citizens.

“We are committed to improving the quality of health services, implementing programs that bring health closer to communities, such as the "Health at the Doorstep" Program, highlighted representative, for whom this program aims to ensure greater availability of services.

According to statistical data, Angola has a coverage of 30% of health units. EVC/OHA/CF/DOJ


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