Kidney patients increase in central Huila

  • Luanda     Thursday, 14 March De 2024    15h20  
Serviços de Hemodiálise
Serviços de Hemodiálise
Kinda Kyungu

Lubango - The number of patients with kidney failure at the Hemodialysis Centre in Lubango city, central Huila province, has gone from 65 seeking assistance daily to 90, an increase attributed to many cases of malaria and people's unawareness about being sick of hypertension and diabetes.

Speaking about the situation on World Kidney Day being marked on March 14, the head of the Huila Hemodialysis Centre, Isaac Hungulo, said the increase of cases is worrying, as the number of patients has risen from 100 in 2023 to 195 today, 166 of whom are chronic.

He explained that there are diabetic or hypertensive people who are unaware of their condition and over time these are pathologies that degrade the renal system, which is associated with malaria, since one of the main complications of malaria is renal failure.

According to the source, patients from 13 to 80 years of age are being monitored, most of whom are male, mostly from Namibe and Cunene provinces and locals, adding that the increase in cases has made it difficult for health services to respond especially in terms of vacancies for new patients.

Hungulo said the centre has 29 functional dialysis chairs, while one of them needs a software update. Patients are assisted by 21 nurses and five nephrologists.

He said that in order to provide an adequate response, a similar center need to be built in Namibe and Cunene to enable patients from these provinces to be treated closer to home.

However, Hungulo said there is a low mortality rate, usually in a year there may be one or two deaths of chronic patients due to terminal pathologies or other complications.

Always marked on the second Thursday of March, World Kidney Day is dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of the kidneys and preventing kidney disease.

The main objectives of the event are to raise awareness of the growing presence of kidney diseases around the world and the need for strategies to prevent and manage these diseases.

Kidneys play a crucial role in the body, filtering the blood and helping to eliminate toxins, maintaining the balance of minerals in the body, regulating the amount of water and activating vitamin D in the body, among other functions. MS/MS/AMP

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