Unita points to municipalities as sustainable development factor

  • Luanda     Saturday, 16 March De 2024    22h15  
Secretário provincial da UNITA no Cunene, Torga Pangeiko
Secretário provincial da UNITA no Cunene, Torga Pangeiko
José Cachiva-ANGOP

Ondjiva - UNITA Secretary in Cunene Province, Torga Pangeiko, considered on Saturday, in Ondjiva, the implementation of the municipalities as a determining factor for the deepening of democracy and sustainable development of Angola.

In intervening in the mass political act, preceded by a march that marked the celebrations of the 58th anniversary of the foundation of this party, marked on the 13th of this month, added that the implementation of local authorities will allow to improve the living conditions of Angolans.

Alongside the municipalities, the politician also pointed out the need to improve the quality of life of citizens and the completion of the process of insertion of former combatants in the Angolan Armed Forces Social Security fund as other challenges of the Angolan government, which can count on with the contribution of all fringes of society.

Therefore, Torga Pangeiko assured that his party reaffirms his determination to unite efforts with society, to the institutionalization of municipalities in the country.

Additionally, the official also highlighted the need to prioritize the conclusion of unfinished works, as well as betting on the promotion of agriculture, for the relaunch of agro-industrial activities. FI/YOU/QCB/DOJ

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