Huambo - Members of the Provincial Committee of the main opposition UNITA party in central Huambo province are discussing since Wednesday the political challenges, ahead of the next general elections.
At the second ordinary meeting, running till Friday (27), the participants will outline “vote hunting” strategies, through the mobilisation of new militants and the election of pre-candidates for MPs by the constituency of Huambo province.
UNITA's local secretary, Navita Ngolo, called for the involvement of all militants in the actions outlined by the party's leadership, with a view to achieving the taking power through the elections goal.
The party official said that the management of the time left for the election, scheduled for next August, is based on the preparation of conditions for UNITA to obtain favorable results.
As for the pre-candidates for MPs for the provincial constituency, she said that they will be elected according to requirements defined by the Standing Committee.
Navita Ngolo clarified that the creation of the Patriotic United Front (FPU) consists only of joining forces to achieve positive results in the next general elections.
“The FPU will not participate in the next elections, who will run is UNITA that will soon present Adalberto Costa Júnior as head of the list and the candidates for deputies to the National Assembly”, she emphasized.
In the last general elections of 23 August 2017, UNITA elected two MPs for the constituency of Huambo.