UNITA reiterates local governents' importance

  • Luanda     Sunday, 17 March De 2024    07h14  

Menongue - The secretary of UNITA party in Cuando Cubango Province, Joaquim Sacando, reiterated on Saturday the need for approval, by the National Assembly, of the draft-laws in the electoral legislative package, for the implementation of local governments, to grant greater power to the Politico-Administrative Division, in two provinces.

For the politician, who spoke at the event celebrating the 13th of March, the party’s foundation anniversary, currently the largest political party in the opposition, the institutionalization of local governments in the country, with the division of Cuando and Cubango, into two provinces, will boost the development and social well-being of populations.

For the secretary, the administrative division will reduce the current regional asymmetries, granting more financial autonomy to administrative managers, thus improving the social well-being of the population, even gradually.

Joaquim Sapondo said that, in the face of the economic and social crisis that the country faces, UNITA corroborates the current process of combating corruption and empowering companies and targeted families, towards the eradication of poverty, to provide independence (…) that results from the policies more correct for Angolans' well-being.

He highlighted natural resources, with which, for the UNITA secretary, the sustainable development of the country can be leveraged, for whom this ideal of the opposition party has always been, since its creation.

He defended the need for the government to continue playing its true role in the process of national reconciliation, praising all those who participated in achieving the peace in force, for the social and political stability of Angolans and not the other way around, within the democratic state and the rule of law.


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