Drought affects over 500,000 people in Cunene

  • Luanda     Friday, 09 July De 2021    12h16  
Governadora da província do Cunene, Gerdina Didalelwa
Governadora da província do Cunene, Gerdina Didalelwa

Ondjiva - The southern Province of Cunene has registered, in recent days, a new situation of drought, which has already affected 514, 800 people, informed this Friday in Ondjiva the local governor, Gerdina Didalelwa.

According to the official, who presented the province's social and economic situation to the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, as part of his two-day visit to that locality, there are currently 4,684 displaced people in shelter centres.


According to the governor, the centres are open in all the municipalities of Cunene, and there are also a total of 2,619 refugees in Namibia, most of them children between 5 to 10 years old.


Gerdina Didalelwa made known, on the other hand, that 83, 416 people have benefited from the Executive's humanitarian aid, aimed at reducing the impact of drought and hunger in this province.


As for the plague of locusts, she said that, since its appearance, it has affected a total of 9 080 small farming fields, and 10 183 people in the region.


The President of the Republic started a two-day working visit to the province of Cunene this Friday, to address issues related to the development of the southern region of Angola.


In line with the Executive's response to the challenges posed by the drought that periodically devastates the southern part of the country, the Head of State will chair, in Ondjiva, a meeting with the governors of the provinces of Cunene, Cuando Cubango, Huíla and Namibe.


The Angolan Head of State's agenda also includes audiences with chieftains, clerics, entrepreneurs and juvenile groups.

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