Namibian president visits copper and steel factory in Luanda

  • Luanda     Monday, 04 March De 2024    18h18  
Presidente da Namibia visita polo industrial de Viana (centro) à esq
Presidente da Namibia visita polo industrial de Viana (centro) à esq
Alberto Julião - ANGOP

Viana- The President of Namibia, Nangolo Mbumba, on Monday afternoon, visited the Karam Industrial Lda factory, which produces low and medium voltage copper electrical cables, steel wires and tubes and various aluminum ware.

Located in the Viana Industrial Park, the company employs around 3,000 workers (including employees and service providers) and also manufactures plastic tubes and buckets, which are exported to Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, USA, Canada, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Japan, Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates.

The Namibian President, who did not make statements to the press, learned about the functioning of the different areas that make up the manufacturing unit, while receiving specific information about the product manufacturing process.

On the occasion, the sales and marketing director of Karam Industrial Lda, Fabrício Luvundy, said that more than half of the company's production is exported and Nangolo Mbumba's visit aims to open doors to expand the market to the neighboring country.

According to the person responsible, the company offers products in copper (medium and low voltage electrical cables), aluminum (various kitchenware), steel (rods, nails and various wires) and wood (frames for formwork).

He said that the expansion of the manufacturing unit is being studied, with a view to doubling monthly production (budgeted at three tons/month), generating new jobs and diversifying the national economy.

Angola and Namibia cooperate in the sectors of Defense and Security, Transport, Energy and Water, Health, Oil, Tourism, Fisheries, Agriculture, Finance, Geology and Mining, among others, either bilaterally or within the framework of the African Development Community Austral (SADC).

A Bilateral Agreement on the Movement of People and Goods, signed in 1992, is also in force, which provides, among other aspects, the free movement of Angolans and Namibians within a radius of 60 kilometers along the border.

The two countries established diplomatic relations on September 18, 1990, with embassies in their respective capitals (Luanda and Windhoek) and consulates.FCC/HDC/MCN/DOJ

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