President authorises expenditure for upgrading Lubango roads

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 26 July De 2023    16h12  
Vista aérea da cidade do Lubango, província da Huíla
Vista aérea da cidade do Lubango, província da Huíla
Morais Silva

Lubango - Angolan government has announced plans to improve more than 90 kilometers of surrounding and urban roads in the neighborhoods of Lubango city, southern Huíla province.

The upgrade of those infrastructure, currently in run-down condition, is part of the integrated infrastructure construction programme underway in the country.

The plan also covers complementary services, such as the collection and treatment of solid waste, water collection and distribution, rehabilitation of public buildings and lighting.

The Presidential Order No. 181/23 of 24 July published on the Government Portal, states that the head of State João Lourenço authorises the expense for opening the Simplified Contracting Procedure, based on material criteria.

The purpose is to ensure the awarding of the USD 287.3 million contract. The Head of State also determines the supervision of public urban requalification works in Lubango, with an expenditure of USD 2.8 million.

In June 2017, Lubango received the assignment of the city's integrated infrastructure works, in a Government financing of USD 212. 682 million, awarded to the consortium Omatapalo and Imosul.

The works covered an area of one hundred kilometers of infrastructure, including roads and social facilities. They also covered another 17 kilometers of drinking water supply network to Quilemba satellite city, as well as arrangements for leisure facilities.

These works, which lasted five years, involved 31 streets, most of them in the urban centre, and others were born in the surrounding, improving neighborhoods such as Machiqueira, Ferrovia, Mitcha, Mapunda and Tchioco.

In addition to the streets and kilometers of technical networks, it also involved repairing gardens and restoring green spaces. EM/VM/NIC


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