President calls for an end to excessive use of force in demonstrations

  • Luanda     Thursday, 26 November De 2020    11h30  
Esgoto de águas residuais sem filtros, colocam causa a vida dos Mangais no litoral de Luanda.
Esgoto de águas residuais sem filtros, colocam causa a vida dos Mangais no litoral de Luanda.
Nelson Malamba

Luanda – Angolan head of State João Lourenço said Thursday in Luanda that the demonstration should not degenerate into violence.

The president was speaking at the youth consultation meeting, stressing that there is no need for violence, either by demonstrators or authorities.

However, he recalled that everything is relative and depends on the behaviour of citizens, who should not commit excesses, as happened in recent protests.

At the time, he discouraged rallies on the public road with more than five people, saying that social gatherings fuel Covid-19 surge. "The Executive does not ban demonstrations.

The Executive prohibits gatherings", he clarified. According to João Lourenço, "if the demonstration is tantamount to a public gathering, it should obvious not be allowed, otherwise it will contribute to the spread of the Covid-19 virus throughout the national territory".

The President underlined that, internally, it is the Executive's obligation to prevent Covid-19's progression from spiraling out of control.

João Lourenço called for collaboration of Angolan society to prevent the country's health system from collapsing, in the face of Covid-19.

The president considered the meeting with the youth an alternative way to avoid violating the Presidential Decree.

The Angolan Head of State was speaking at the meeting with representatives of various Angolan Youth.

Similar meetings took place in July and October last year, respectively in the cities of Soyo (Zaire) and Kuito (Bie).

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