Attorney General´s Office willing to receives union demands

  • Luanda     Friday, 01 March De 2024    10h15  
Attorney-General's Office Logo
Attorney-General's Office Logo

Luanda - The Attorney General's Office (PGR) expressed, Thursday, that it was sensitive to union demands and considered any attempt to stop activities to force the satisfaction of demands to be illegal.

This position was expressed by PGR spokesperson, Álvaro João, at the end of a management meeting called to analyze the prosecutors' union's list of demands, which threatens to paralyze if they are not granted a new remuneration status, diplomatic passport and vehicles.

Álvaro João said that the management is sensitive to the concerns, having set up a technical group that works on reforming the PGR legislation, without the union committee which declined to participate.

He added that, once the proposal to reform the PGR and its remuneration status has been completed, the document will still require approval from the President of the Republic and the National Assembly.

On the other hand, he mentioned that the salaries of the deputy attorneys general had already been standardized, as set out in previous claim books. He reported that a five-year plan is being implemented to allocate vehicles to magistrates at various levels, in a phased manner and depending on the quotas made available by the Ministry of Finance.

 Likewise, Álvaro João declared that the granting of diplomatic passports goes beyond the competences of the Public Ministry. The Public Prosecutor's Union threatens to paralyze activity from the 1st to the 8th of March next, if its demands are not met. JFS/SC/TED/DOJ


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