Rail service included in New Airport project

  • Luanda     Monday, 27 March De 2023    16h31  
Dr. António Agostinho Neto Airport
Dr. António Agostinho Neto Airport
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda - The President of the Republic, João Lourenço, was on Monday informed about the integrated project of five railway stations to link the city centre to the New International Airport of Luanda.

The details about the project, which also includes the construction of a railway branch, was given to the Angolan Head of State during a visit to the new airport, to check the level of execution of the infrastructure.


On the occasion, President João Lourenço inspected a scale model of the project, which should be concluded in June 2023. 


The railway connection stations are estimated to cost US$ 255 million, while the railway branch line is budgeted at US$ 162 million, including the communications and signalling project.


The branch line will have a special viaduct with a 3.07 kilometre wide double rail line. The projected speed of the trains is approximately 120 kilometres per hour.


Named Dr. António Agostinho Neto Airport, the infrastructure is located in the area of Bom Jesus, Municipality of Icolo and Bengo, in Luanda.


It takes an area of 1,324 hectares and will have a capacity for 15 million passengers and a volume of goods of fifty thousand tons per year.

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