Angolan president meets with South Korean counterpart in private

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 30 April De 2024    08h36  
Presidente da República, João Lourenço (à esq.) com homólogo da Coreia, Yoon Suk-Yeol
Presidente da República, João Lourenço (à esq.) com homólogo da Coreia, Yoon Suk-Yeol

Seoul – Angolan president João Lourenço, on Tuesday in Seoul, had a private meeting with his counterpart from South Korea, Yoon Suk-Yeo.

The two statesmen then led their delegations to official talks between the two countries.

At the opening of the meeting, João Lourenço highlighted that after 31 years of Exchange and business trade, both countries are in conditions to bolster cooperation taking into account the size of the country's resources.

Lourenço said that there are several areas in which this increase must begin, which are drawn in the agreements to be signed, as well as to absorb the steps taken by Korea in becoming a very developed country in a short space of time.

Regarding the international situation, the Angolan president called for respect for the United Nations Charter and praised his counterpart for the peace in South Korea.

The Asian country´s president, Yoon Suk-Yeo, congratulated João Lourenço on the policies he has implemented in Angola since 2017.

Yoon Suk-Yeo called for synergies between Angola and Korea, considering that it has abundant natural resources and a young population, while the latter has the technology and skilled labor.


In the end, the two heads of state witnessed the signing of four legal instruments, namely memoranda of understanding on Trade, Health, Public Order and Diplomacy.




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