Government of Luanda pays homage to martyrs from Baixa de Cassanje

  • Luanda     Thursday, 04 January De 2024    12h37  
Vice-governador de Luanda deposita coroa de flores no túmulo do soldado desconhecido
Vice-governador de Luanda deposita coroa de flores no túmulo do soldado desconhecido
Francisco Miúdo-ANGOP

Luanda - The heroic action of the martyrs of Baixa de Cassanje is one of the most relevant events in the process of the liberation struggle of the Angolan people, the provincial vice-governor for the political and social affairs of Luanda, Manuel Gonçalves, said on Thursday.

The governor was speaking after laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier, in the Santana Cemetery, in honor of the Day of the Martyrs of colonial repression, which is marked today, under the motto “With the spirit of January 4, former combatants united for development in Angola”.

For Manuel Gonçalves, the bravery shown by the martyrs awakened a patriotic conscience and national unity.

He said it was necessary to make known to the new generation what was done for the liberation of the country and defended greater unity among Angolans, so that social conditions respond to the wishes of the people.

For his part, the secretary for communication of the 4th of January Association, Alberto Quiari, praised the importance of the event, having defended that it could continue to appear on the list of national holidays, as opposed to a date of national celebration, as it is currently called.

He said he did not look favorably on the change of January 4 from a national holiday to a date of national celebration, because 'that date kicked off the denial by Angolans of what was the action of the Portuguese in the country'.

In another part of his speech, the official called for the inclusion of the survivors of Baixa de Cassanje in the Social Security of the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA).

The Baixa de Cassanje massacre took place 63 years ago, when, in 1961, Portuguese colonial troops indiscriminately killed thousands of Angolan peasants and their families, who were engaged in cotton production, for protesting against the low prices offered by the 'Cotonang' General Cotton Company and the mistreatment imposed by the colonial regime. FMA/VC/TED/DOJ

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