Luanda government bans demonstration

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 11 November De 2020    00h36  
Largo da Independência em Luanda
Largo da Independência em Luanda
Pedro Parente

Luanda - The Provincial Government of Luanda (GPL) has banned the demonstration scheduled for Wednesday, November 11, saying that the promoters did not comply with the legal assumptions.

In its statement sent to the masterminds behind of the "peaceful and orderly march", the GPL explains that the request or statement on demonstration should have five signatures of the promoters, duly identified by name, profession and address.

The document that reached ANGOP also states that on weekdays the processions and parades were not allowed before 7 pm.

It recalls that the Presidential Decree on the Situation of Public Disaster, to deal with Covid-19 pandemic, bans public rallies with more than five people.

"After having analysed the written statement, we found that some of the promoters did not have specific address in their identification, nor the number of the people that would  join the demonstration. And the time indicated is not permitted by the Law," writes the GPL in its statement, stressing that " the legally required requirements "for carrying out the march are not met.

This is the second time, in less than 30 days, that civil society members have tried to hold a peaceful demonstration in Luanda, at a time of pandemic, to protest against the rising cost of living, unemployment and, fundamentally, to demand that the Angolan Government indicate a specific date for the holding of local elections.

The first occurred on 24 October, having been thwarted by the National Police and culminating in acts of confrontation with the defence and security forces.

As result, 103 protesters were arrested and tried, 71 of whom were convicted, with suspended sentence.

However, in a message delivered on Tuesday to pay tribute to the professionals who stand out in the fight against Covid-19, the President, João Lourenço, appealed for the union of all Angolans, stressing that the country's history "demonstrated that only united  we will overcome the challenges of the present and the future ".

According to the Head of State, the measures contained in the Presidential Decree in force aim to save the lives of Angolans and, therefore, the citizens must comply with them.

João Lourenço advised Angolans to celebrate 45 years of national independence, on November 11, with joy, civic attitude and responsibility, complying with all preventive measures against Covid-19.

In turn, the leader of the main opposition UNITA party, Adalberto Costa Júnior, told the press, on the sidelines of the ceremony to honour the  Covid-19 heroes, that he suggested the Government not to ban the demonstrations, as long as they are peaceful.

The politician condemned all types of violence recorded in public acts of protest, whether on the part of the demonstrators or by defence and security forces.

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