Governor wants citizens to participate in management of Benguela

  • Luanda     Monday, 28 June De 2021    19h07  
Pormenor da cidade de Benguela (Arquivo)
Pormenor da cidade de Benguela (Arquivo)
Pedro Parente

Benguela - The provincial governor of Benguela, Luís Nunes, asked Monday in this city for a more active participation of the people of Benguela in the management of the several administrative processes in favour of the common welfare.

According to Luis Nunes, who was speaking at the presentation ceremony of the new municipal administrator of Benguela, Paula Correia, work should be done with all and for all, in order to solve the various problems that still affect the community.

"The unconditional support of the population to the new administrator is of capital importance to raise Benguela to the level it deserves. This will only be possible with the support of the residents in identifying and defining strategies to solve the social problems that affect the population", he emphasised.

The governor assured, on the other hand, that he would continue to bet on gender to administer the province, given the skills, technical and leadership capacity that women have shown over the years.

Luís Nunes took the opportunity to highlight the work done by the outgoing female administrator, for her performance and knowledge during her mandate at the mother municipality of the cities.

Meanwhile, the new Benguela municipal administrator, Paula Mariza Correia, said that the current social conjuncture still conditioned the execution of some projects, but she believes that with union and solidarity of the citizens it will be possible to overcome difficulties.



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