Government committed to national productivity growth

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 22 December De 2020    20h53  
Produtores nacionais de bens essenciais homenageados pelo Presidente da República, João Lourenço
Produtores nacionais de bens essenciais homenageados pelo Presidente da República, João Lourenço
Pedro Parente

Luanda - Angolan head of State João Lourenço Tuesday reiterated the permanent commitment of the Executive to creating conditions for the increase of the national production in 2012.

Delivering  his speech at ceremony aimed to pay tribute to national producers of essential goods, Joao Lourenço pledged to focus on the support for private sector, with a view to ensuring production growth. 


The president also announced plans to invest more in the expansion and modernization, creation of new jobs, the increase in family income and the profits for the investors.


In order to achieve this goal, the head of State called for major engagement in

improving business environment,  simplifying and reducing bureaucracy of companies daily activities, as well as increase and facilitate credit access. 


"We will also focus on support for training of staff, entrepreneurs, creation of partnership between national business people and foreign investors,  export initiatives  and expansion of companies", said the President.


João Lourenço also said that three textile industry unities installed in the country, which remained idle for long time, will start operating soon to create more jobs. 

He also said that the country needs to resume the cotton production with the commitment of the agriculture business people and the cooperatives of peasants.


Expressing concern about the destruction of the goods produced by the peasants and taking into account the need to reduce the prices of food products, João Lourenço said his Executive will open credit facilities for transport operators in the rural market to ensure transportation of goods from the countryside to consumption centers.

The president also announced plans for private investments in production of iron and steel, as well as in the shipbuilding and repair, pharmaceutical, fertilizer and vaccination industry for veterinary.

During a ceremony held in Presidential Palace, the president paid tribute to producers of essential commodities, and basic goods linked to the sectors of agriculture, trade, industry, tourism, fishing and livestock.

In November, the President João Lourenço paid tribute to the front line workers, due to their commitment to combat Covid-19.

They include physicians and nurses, Defense and Security Forces, the Air Force and TAAG pilots, business people, track drivers, art and culture makers and journalists.

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