Government continues women empowerment process

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 08 March De 2023    16h00  
Angolan Vice-President, Esperança da Costa.
Angolan Vice-President, Esperança da Costa.
Henri Celso - ANGOP

Doha – The Angolan government will continue the women empowerment process through capacity-building to enable them to find opportunities to reveal and demonstrate skills at the service of the nation, the country’s Vice-President, Esperança da Costa, said Wednesday.

Esperança da Costa, who is in Doha, capital of Qatar, representing the Angolan Head of State at the United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries, taking place from March 5 to 9, made the remarks to the press in the ambit of the commemoration of the International Women's Day, marked on March 8.


The Angolan official said that the government's aim - through the ministerial departments, especially that of Social Action, Family and Woman Promotion - is to empower women to provide her with capacity to promote development and enhance their contribution in Angola.


This exercise aims to lead women to participate in conflict management, in the democratisation of the country, but, above all, in the sustainable development of the country, Esperança da Costa said.


The Vice-President underscored that the empowerment of women in Angola is visible and that it remains a long journey to go through, however, today Angola has several women in prominent and in decision-making positions.


Regarding the fight against violence against women, the official explained that besides the legislation, the government has implemented a set of actions from counselling to enforcement of the law itself, taking into account that there are several lawsuit cases of domestic violence in courts in the present.


The Vice-President called for the need to raise awareness among the population and the society, and to remove from the family and communities the cultural stereotypes and stigmas that remain and prevent women from following their path, to be an active participating member and from being educated and empowered.


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