Angola 2050 strategy with focus on the economy

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 31 May De 2023    20h49  
Secretary of State for the Economy, Ivan Dos Santos
Secretary of State for the Economy, Ivan Dos Santos
Domingos Cardoso - ANGOP

Dundo - The proposal for the long-term strategy “Angola 2050” has orientation towards development and macroeconomic balance through a structural transformation of the economy, giving greater attention to the non-oil sector.

This statement was made Wednesday, in Dundo, Lunda Norte province, by the Secretary of State for the Economy, Ivan Dos Santos, during a public consultation, which aimed to collect contributions to enrich the strategy.


According to Ivan Dos Santos, this strategy is intended to allow the non-oil sector to assume a fundamental role in the diversification of the national economy, contributing with a larger share of the GDP.


On the other hand, he made it known that the document is based on five axes, namely the enhancement of human capital, development and improvement of infrastructure, diversification of the economy, promotion of a resilient and sustainable ecosystem and the guarantee of a fair nation, rights and opportunity for all.

According to the official, for each of the axes, specific commitments and targets are foreseen, which are intended to be achieved with the involvement of all Angolans.

He said that strategy is a document that is easy to use and seeks economic and financial coherence, as well as the need for greater interaction and interconnection between different authors and sectors.

He added that the proposal envisages agile adaptation to the changes that the country may face and is aligned with the strategies of the international agendas in which Angola is part, such as the 20-30 of the United Nations and the African Union.

“We intend that in 2050, we will have a more balanced territory due to a smaller territorial concentration of our economy, a result of the reduction of asymmetries between the provinces and the reduction of multidimensional poverty throughout the country”, he stressed.

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