Ambassador calls on Angolans in Namibia to participate in country's development

  • Luanda     Friday, 05 April De 2024    13h04  
Embaixadora de Angola na Namíbia, Jovelina Imperial
Embaixadora de Angola na Namíbia, Jovelina Imperial

Luanda - Angola's ambassador to Namibia, Jovelina Imperial, highlighted the importance of the peace for diversity and economic growth and called on everyone, particularly Angolan residents, to participate in the country's development

The diplomat who was speaking Thursday in the Namibian capital to the Angolan community living in Windhoek and diplomats on “Peace and National Reconciliation Day", marked on April 4, said Angolan families know from experience how fundamental Peace and National Reconciliation are as a starting point for development.

Praising the signing of the Luena, Moxico agreements on April 4, 2002 that put an end to 27 years of destruction of the country, the diplomat stressed that exactly 22 years ago marked the beginning of a new stage for Angolans, towards reconstruction, national reconciliation and development.

"Before we could not undertake business, we could not plant our fields, travel on our roads from Cabinda to Cunene and interact safely", the diplomat said.

Jovelina Imperial emphasized that the silencing of guns opens up the opportunity to build and rehabilitate infrastructure and roads that allow the free movement of people and goods.

This year's Day of Peace and National Reconciliation was celebrated under the slogan "Together for the Integral Growth of the Country", and the ambassador stressed the importance of living across political, religious, social and other differences.

The date served to bring the Windhoek resident community together for a political and cultural moment, with the screening of a video depicting the gains of peace over these 22 years of Peace and National Reconciliation.





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