Elections2022: MPLA reaffirms building of fair society

  • Luanda     Friday, 12 August De 2022    22h44  
Candidato do MPLA à presidência da república, João Lourenço orienta acto político de massas no Cuanza Norte
Candidato do MPLA à presidência da república, João Lourenço orienta acto político de massas no Cuanza Norte
Pedro Parente/Angop

Luanda – Angola is building a more equal and fair society with women and men, reaffirmed Friday the MPLA presidential candidate, João Lourenço, as part of the campaign for the elections of August 24.

"I see this as a great evolution, not only in the party, but in Angolan society. We are building a country for all", Lourenço said, during the party’s airtime on the National Radio of Angola (RNA).


The MPLA leader added that wasting the talent, intelligence and the entrepreneurial capacity of the youth is to lose the greatest wealth and to compromise the future of Angola.


The MPLA's candidate conveyed a message of hope for better days for young people in the next five years, adding that his party will continue to invest in what is fundamental for young people, with emphasis on training, housing and employment.


The candidate stressed that nations that have become prosperous with high economic and social development have invested in education, science, and knowledge of their people.


At least 14.3 million voters are expected to cast ballots in the August 24 elections to take place for the fifth time in Angola, with some 22, 560 living abroad to vote for the first time.


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