Technical-professional education and training concerns SADC

  • Luanda     Sunday, 24 March De 2024    15h34  
Angele Makombo N’tumba, secretária-adjunta da SADC
Angele Makombo N’tumba, secretária-adjunta da SADC
Amélia Oliveira - ANGOP

Lubango - The deputy executive secretary of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), Angèle Makombo N'tumba, said today, Sunday, in Lubango-Huíla, that there is a discrepancy between education and technical-vocational training in member states, which is considered worrying.

Speaking at the meeting of employment and labor ministers and Social Partners, the official stated that there is still a "huge" difference between what students learn at school and the skills needed for the job market.

She declared being a challenge that must involve greater investment in training centers and more standardization of knowledge, hence the meeting that will also discuss the inconsistencies between the two and suggest solutions.

She also mentioned that SADC offers vocational training, which allows citizens, even if they do not follow the conventional academic path, to acquire skills to enable them to have a job.

Regarding the situation of child labor in the Community, the official highlighted that it is another "worrying" issue, which is why work is being done to combat it, in coordination with members.

“We don’t have the full stats, but the situation is bad, despite the efforts made by members to prevent children from working”, she reinforced.

Asked about labor migration, Angèle Makombo N'tumba said being another challenge, as all countries are expected to be open to allow citizens and the workforce in these countries to move freely.

She encouraged Member States to include more and more women in order to achieve a situation of parity within the workplace, but the Community is united in carrying out several actions to guarantee gender parity.

The Meeting of Ministers of Employment, Labor and Social Partners of SADC which runs until the 28th of the current month, in addition to evaluating the inconsistencies in technical-vocational education and training in Member States, will address the organization's action plan on labor migration and enforcement of the code of conduct on child labor.

It will also discuss the status of the signing and ratification of the SADC Employment and Labor protocol, macro-economic and sectoral strategies promoting employment in the organization, as well as the draft model framework for autonomous systems for resolving disputes of a labor nature in the Community.

Reports from Member States sitting on the Board of Directors of the International Labor Organization, as well as those from social partners, will be analyzed during the event.

The technical meeting of experts that began today runs until Tuesday, 26th, and on Wednesday and Thursday the meeting of ministers will take place and the member states of the organization will participate in the meeting. EM/MS/CF/DOJ

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