Women development crucial to greater inclusion

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 02 March De 2021    10h34  
Luisa Damião, Vice-presidente do MPLA
Luisa Damião, Vice-presidente do MPLA
Gaspar dos Santos

Luanda - The ruling MPLA party highlighted the importance of the inclusion of women and girls in democratic and inclusive Angola on Tuesday.

Speaking to Angop, the party’s vice president, Luisa Damião, mentioned the training, capacity building, empowerment and integral development as vital to achieve this goal.

The politician spoke of education and culture as the key to address women's problems, especially in fight against stereotypes and prejudices based on gender.

To the party leader, the focus should not be restricted to women, but rather the changing social systems that do not allow them to maintain their potential for the common good.

She said that she was convinced that the empowerment of women, as a powerful agent of change, contributes to the reduction of poverty within Angolan families, as there is no better manager of difficulties or expectations than women.

"Just as raising a woman means raising a family, empowering a woman is empowering a nation, (...) as women are accounted for half of the world's population," she said.

After mentioning the reasons explained above, the MPLA vice president  defended the need to focus on the family, as the main nucleus of society, a stronghold of love, fraternity and peace, as well as the preservation and reinforcement of ethical, moral values Angolan and cultural heritage.

The activities to mark March-Women are taking place across the country from 1st to 31st this month, under the motto: “Women in leadership towards economic empowerment in Covid's time”.

Angola marks the date on March 2 in recognition of the historic achievements of Deolinda Rodrigues, Irene Cohen, Engrácia dos Santos, Teresa Afonso, Lucrécia Paim and other anonymous people, in the struggle for resistance against the Portuguese colonial occupation.

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