Angola reaffirms commitment to Doha Programme of Action

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 21 February De 2024    17h22  
Embaixador de Angola junto das Nações Unidas, Francisco José da Cruz
Embaixador de Angola junto das Nações Unidas, Francisco José da Cruz

Luanda - Angola on Monday at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York reaffirmed its commitment to implement the Doha Programme of Action, through the National Development Plan 2023-2027, a statement has said.

Angola expressed its stance during an interactive panel of the Group of Friends of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs).

The country's position was expressed by Angola's permanent representative to the UN, Francisco José da Cruz, who recognized the Doha Action Program as a new generation of renewed and strengthened commitments for the LDCs and its full implementation that will contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda.

In this perspective, the diplomat emphasized that Angola is changing its development paradigm, seeking solid partnerships with the private sector and civil society, as well as international development partners, including the United Nations, the Bretton Woods Institutions and other multilateral institutions to implement the National Development Plan (PDN).

Francisco José da Cruz pointed out that key areas have been identified, such as Promoting Human Capital Development, Ensuring Economic Diversification, Eradicating Poverty in all its forms and dimensions, Strengthening Democratic Institutions and the Rule of Law.

As for the challenges of financing sustainable development, the diplomat said the high levels of debt and financing costs of the LDCs are unsustainable, hampering their progress towards the 2030 Agenda.

He called on the urgent creation of effective, efficient, equitable and comprehensive multilateral debt mechanisms to promote collective debt restructuring, an update of responsible borrowing and lending principles, including the International Monetary Fund's existing structure of charges and surcharges, on the borrowing costs and debt burdens of developing countries, especially LDCs.


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