Angola and Indonesia analyse cooperation

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 20 March De 2024    20h55  
Embaixador de Angola na Indonésia, Florêncio de Almeida (à esq.)
Embaixador de Angola na Indonésia, Florêncio de Almeida (à esq.)

Luanda - The need for continued political dialogue and the deepening of the partnership between Angola and Indonesia was defended Tuesday, in the Province of Luanda, by the Angolan ambassador to that Asian country, Florêncio de Almeida.

According to a press release ANGOP, this position was proposed at a meeting between the Angolan ambassador to Indonesia and the Indonesian honorary consul in the country, Sebastião Inácio.

For Florêncio de Almeida, the meeting was "opportune and productive," as it allowed him to identify specific actions that will contribute significantly to improving co-operation and business relations between the two countries.

In turn, Honorary Consul Sebastião Inácio announced the organisation of a tourism forum and the second Indonesia/Africa forum, to be held in Bali in May and August this year respectively.

Relations in the areas of agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, fisheries, oil and mineral resources, trade, vocational training and science and technology are part of the portfolio of priorities for the immediate future.

Relations between Angola and Indonesia are governed by three legal instruments, namely the general agreement on cooperation in the economic, scientific, technical and cultural fields, the agreement on the reciprocal visa waiver for holders of diplomatic and service passports and the memorandum of understanding on political consultations.

In 2017, the memorandum of understanding between the Angolan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and its Indonesian counterpart was initialled.

Other agreements of mutual interest are currently being negotiated.

Indonesia has been a partner in the field of South-South cooperation since the days of the Bandung Conference, held between 18 and 24 April 1955.

Since then, the two countries have maintained political relations though in an indirect way, being the political and diplomatic relations improved significantly on 7 August 2001.


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