Agreements between Angola and Brazil stand at 80

  • Luanda     Friday, 30 December De 2022    21h14  
Brasilia city
Brasilia city
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Brasilia - Angola and Brazil have totaled around 80 agreements since both countries signed the first memorandum in 1977, two years after the proclamation of National Independence of Angola in 1975.

The first is linked to the air transport, signed on May 13, 1977, which has already been scrapped and replaced. 

Brazil was the first country in the world to recognise the Independence of Angola, proclaimed by the then President António Agostinho Neto, on 11 November. 

Ever since, the relations have been intensified in wide range of fields, leading to the signature of 80 cooperation agreements, states data released by the Angolan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, reached ANGOP  Friday in Brasilia (Brazil). 

Of the total number of agreements, 46 are still in force, 16 have expired, five are in the process of ratification, three have been surpassed and others are in process. 

These are agreements in the fields of air transport, investment for agriculture and energy, visas and immigration, animal and plant health, loans, education, health, technical cooperation and diplomatic consultations. 

The list also contains cooperation agreements in the areas of science and technology, art/culture, fisheries, oil (technical cooperation), environment, administrative policy, media, trade, among others. 

New agreements on the horizon  

The Angolan Foreign minister, Téte António, said Friday in Brasilia that the Angolan government has already identified new cooperation agreements with Brazil, but he would not go into details.

The minister noted the memorandum of understanding, yet to be signed, linked to the area of funding for the agriculture and industry sectors, as part of the diversification of the Angolan economy. 

"There is a change on our side that should also be reflected in cooperation with our strategic partners, such as Brazil," he said, looking at the country's position in terms of economic growth in the world. 

At the level of the American continent, Brazil is the third economy, after the United States and Canada, and the ninth economy in the world. 

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