EU allocates additional 50 mn for Turkey to assist refugees

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 14 June De 2022    13h28  
European Union (E.U) flag
European Union (E.U) flag

ISTANBUL - The European Union has allocated additional funding of 50 million euros to provide humanitarian aid to vulnerable refugees hosted by Turkey, according to a statement released by the European Commission.

The statement said funding is aimed at supporting "specific health services and helping deal with problems regarding protection including legal advice, psychological support and access to civil documentation".

The financial support announced Tuesday comes in addition to the EU Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) which already provides assistance to refugees in Turkey through money deposited on a card that beneficiaries can use to pay for rent, transportation, food and medicines. "The EU will continue to provide humanitarian assistance to refugees in Turkey to fill the void and offer a safety net to those who most need it", said the European commissioner for crisis management, Janez Lenarcic. He added that Brussels "will not forget refugees in Turkey, including many who have been displaced for a decade".

Over four million refugees live in Turkey, including 3.7 million Syrians. Based on an agreement from 2016, Brussels supports Ankara financially in the management of refugees in exchange for Turkey's commitment in keeping borders closed to those who try to reach the EU illegally. The fund earmarked Tuesday is part of a package of three billion dollars to assist Ankara until 2024 announced by the EU last year.



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