International Theatre Circuit pays tribute to Neto's centenary

International Theatre Circuit pays tribute to Neto's centenary
International Theatre Circuit pays tribute to Neto's centenary
valentino Yequenha

Luanda - The seventh edition of the International Theatre Circuit (CIT), to take place from July 6 to September 10 in the provinces of Luanda, Bengo and Huila, will honor the centenary of the first President of Angola and Founder of the Nation, António Agostinho Neto, the member of the organization, Simão Paulino, has said.

Simão Paulino said they expect 100 theatre groups to perform, two of which come from Mozambique and Brazil, that will for four days present plays based on Agostinho Neto’s work, among others plays.


Simão Paulino emphasized that for the success of this homage and better representation in this edition, the organization carried out a cycle of training regarding some aspects connected to theatre.


The tribute arises from the fact that the CIT is always in line with the ideas of the government, so it could not be dissociated from the national festivities of the centenary of Agostinho Neto.


The shows for adults will start at 7 pm and for children at 3 pm, tickets are being sold at the event sites.


At CIT's closing gala awards will be presented in the categories of best director, actor/actress, scenario, stage lighting light, costume designer, dramatic text, audience, career award, artist, group, ethnic theatre (Ubuntu award), sound design, artist revealed, new talent, interpretation of Neto and adaptation of Neto's story.


The CIT started being held in 2016, as part of the Culture for All Project and brings together several theatre groups.

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