Over 10 theatre groups participate in International Festival in memory of Agostinho Neto

Huíla: Actor no festival de Teatro
Huíla: Actor no festival de Teatro
José Filipe

Lubango – At least 12 theatre groups from Luanda, Huambo, Namibe and Huíla are participating since Saturday until October 2 in Lubango City, southern Huila Province, in the 7th edition of the International Festival of Scenic Arts, as part of the centennial celebrations of the first President of Angola, Agostinho Neto.

The cultural event is taking place under the aegis of the International Theatre Circuit (CIT), in partnership with the local government bringing together several groups.


During the sessions, messages are being passed that highlight the memories of the "Greatest Poet" and founder of the Angolan nation.


Speaking at the opening act of the, the general director of CIT, Adérito Rodrigues, said the activity is part of a project called "culture for all", a platform of artistic action and youth movement for empowerment and training of Angolans released in 2016.


According to the official, the theatre festival will also promote the values of culture, through the composition, staging and exhibition of performing arts plays.


"We speak today of Agostinho Neto, one of the most fearless history makers, a figure of universal dimension whose stature, covering the Angolan nation, is projected into the world to become a common heritage of humanity" Rodrigues said.


He recalled that the 7th edition is being celebrated from May to September having the Centenary of Agostinho Neto the main focus.

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